Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker


Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker. Gregory Thielker was born in New Jersey in 1979 and he currently lives and works in Watertown, Massachusetts. He studied art history and studio art at Williams College before training in painting at Washington University in St. Louis.

These paintings reflect my interest in the way that the road delineates and controls how we experience landscape. From the roadway perspective, we not only travel from one place to another, we see landscape in a varied and complex manner. I use water on the windshield to create a shifting lens for the way we see the environment: it both highlights and obscures our viewing. Perspectives slip and compress, while shapes and colors merge into one another. I also work with relationships between surface and depth, between flatness and illusion. These images are born out of real experience and have a close relationship with the medium of painting: its fluidity, transparency, and capacity for layering, mixing, and blending.

Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Cash only

Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker


Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Suspension by gregory thielker

Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker


Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Until now

Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Under Mountain Road

Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker


Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker


Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Through the lookingglass

Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Reasonable doubt

Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker


Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Complete stop

Amazing Rainy Day Paintings by Gregory Thielker


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