15 Best Home Remedies For Long Hair | Styles At Life

Are you with short hair, do you want long hair?. Dont bother about it this article will help you with different and simple home remedies. We all desire to have hair which is healthy, in good colour, texture, sheen and shine. However, with the stress in this day and age, coupled with pollution, bad eating habits and the lot, where does one have the time to take care of our crowning glory?

Home Remedies For Long Hair

Dont worry, there are men and women who love keeping their hair long, and they find time too. Yes, they too work and have jobs, but fifteen minutes to an hour, once a day or a week, is what they take out for a home made hair spa. You have got to start loving yourself to look beautiful and to feel beautiful, so please read on and we shall tell you how.

15 Best Home Remedies For Long Hair | Styles At Life

Want It Long And Thick?

Hair fall or hair loss, commonly found amongst men and women as an issue, across all age groups these days. Reasons for the same would be;

  • Physical stress.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Nutritional deficiency.
  • Allergies.
  • Chemical hair care products.
  • Bad hair care routine.
  • Hereditary.
  • pollution.
  • Lifestyle etc.

Manage your asset with love and it would pay you back with an appearance which brings in the accolades. Thinning of hair or balding makes one look dull and dead, unless they completely shave their head off and carry themselves well, which is rare? However, this is a problem which needs to be dealt with, from the nip. One doesn’t have to spend a large amount of money to get the best results, look into your kitchens for an answer. Mother Nature for centuries has been giving us natural gifts; they are cheap, easily available and can be used on any hair type too.

How To Grow long Hair With Home Remedies:

Do you know how to grow and get long hair by using home remedies quickly? Here is list of  best and effective home remedies for long hair and promotes and hair growth also.

See More: How To Get Long Hair

1. Eggs:

eggs For Long Hair

Eggs are filled with protein, which is essential as nourishment for hair care. Two eggs are enough for your hair beat them well and apply it on the wet hair for about thirty minutes. The proteins goo deep with in the follicles and shaft, nourishing them. Wash it off with mild warm or cold water, following it with an herbal based shampoo and thrice a week. If you want shine, go ahead and use three drops of any essential oil, such as coconut or mustard. Mix the eggs with the oil well, let it sit on your hair for thirty minutes and voila, the bounce and shine is back!!

2. Fenugreek Seeds:

fenugreek leaves seeds For Long Hair

To stop hair fall and loss completely, take a few fenugreek seeds and soak them overnight. Make a paste of it the next morning and apply it to the scalp and hair. Let the paste sit for an hour, and then wash it off with cold water, or lukewarm if you wish to. No matter what your hair type, by doing this treatment your hair would be back to being thick and long in a months time. The seeds also help do away with dandruff and smelly scalp infections too. Fenugreek is one of the most perfect home remedies for long hair which can also give shiny and healthy hair.

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3. Aloe Vera Can Make Your Hair Long:

Aloe vera For Long Hair

The potted aloe vera plant is a boon to have around, since its paste allows hair to grow long and thick. The gel of aloe vera when applied directly to the scalp, nourishes the roots and the hair, cleans the scalp and removes dandruff as well. You could mix the gel with an egg and honey, apply it on the scalp and leave it for an hour or even less. This is a remedy to be done once a week and your hair would bounce back with shine and vitality. Even consumption of the juice everyday would be good, it cleans the insides and removes toxins too

4. Amla:

Amla For Long Hair

Amla is known as an anti-bacterial, an anti-inflammation and an antioxidant fruit. The fruit has many benefits, especially when it comes to tackling scalp infections and hair fall. Dry amla pieces fried in coconut oil and applied on the scalp would do well for hair care at home. Keep the concoction on your hair overnight and wash it off with lukewarm water the next morning. Let the hair dry naturally. Do this thrice a week and for a month for the best results. If applying the fruit with the oil is too cumbersome, consumption of the fruit in its raw form would be good.

5. Avocado For Long Hair:

Avocado For Long Hair

The paste of an avocado has oils which resemble the oil produced by the sebaceous glands. A mash of the fruit mixed with a banana and an egg, applied on the scalp and the hair for an hour, and done thrice a month would be very beneficial, say holistic experts. Use a mild herbal shampoo to clean the remnants, and let the hair be washed with lukewarm water. Allow the hair to dry naturally, and then apply a hydrating mask, made of olive oil and mashed avocado. Keep this mask on for an hour and wash it with a shampoo again, let it dry naturally, and that’s it.

6. Oranges Can Help To Getting Long Hair:

Oranges for long hair

Oranges are great to have in any form, juice or the whole fruit. Now let the citrus queen manage your hair needs too. Make a pulp of the whole orange, including the skin and mash an apple in it as well, 2:1. Apply the mix to your hair and keep it for an hour, wash it off with lukewarm water and let the hair dry under the sun. This should be done once a week for better results. If you want to add a little more goodness, try using olive oil or coconut oil with this mixture, your hair will be rid of smells and dandruff too.

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7. Banana:

Banana For Long Hair

Banana, green tea and an egg with a dash of lime and honey. The quantity for the same should be 1 fruit: 1 teaspoon: 1 egg: drops of lime and honey. Mix them well and apply on the hair and scalp. Keep it for an hour, wash it off with lukewarm water and let the hair dry under the sun. This should be done once a week for better results Banana is one of the best home remedies for long hair which can boost your hair growth also.

See More: Long Hair Tips For Girls

8. Healthy Diet Help To Long Hair:

Healthy Diet Help To Long Hair

The best thing about home remedy is that it is quite simple and almost cost free. Let’s see one of the simple and cost efficient home remedies for long hair. It’s about getting all the essential supplements through a healthy diet. The best way to grow long hair is to have protein rich diet every day, you can include eggs, chicken, yogurt, cheese, whole grains, spinach and you can also include fruits or fruit juices in your diet. Stick to this protein rich diet everyday and see your hair grow elegantly, this is no doubt one of the best home remedies for longer hair.

9. Castor Oil For Long Hair:

Castor oil For Long Hair

Ever dream of having hair like Rapunzel but have hair shorter than a guy’s hair? Well it’s a dream of every girl to have long wavy hairs like Rapunzel (Rapunzel’s hair was a bit too long so we won’t promise to help increase the length of the hair to that extent) but due to different reasons hair doesn’t grow as fast as it should or as long as it should. Castor oil is the best home remedy for long hair, castor oil works miraculously in thickening the hair and also in galloping the rate of hair growth. But since the oil is too thick it’s not advisable to apply the oil directly, rather mix it with other oils such as coconut oil or almond oil and apply it to the scalp and massage the scalp for a few minutes and then wash the hair with shampoo. Castor oil has proven to be one of the best home remedies for longer hair.

10. Scalp Massage:

Scalp Massage For Long Hair

It used to be a great feeling when my mother used to massage my scalp with oil and I’m sure that you must have felt the same way. Well scalp massage is one of the most easiest and efficient home remedies for long hair. The simple thing to do is ask your partner or your mother to massage the scalp with lukewarm oil or a conditioner (you can massage on your own too but I’m pretty sure that most of us are probably quite lazy to do that) for 5-10 minutes and keep it on for another 15 minutes and then rinse out the oil or conditioner from your hair. This is probably the most delighting home remedy for long hair.

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11. Potato Juice For Long Hair:

potato juice For Long Hair (2)

The basic ingredient in every kitchen potato juice proves to be a great home remedy for long hair. Peel of the skin of the potato and squash the slices of the potato into a juice and apply it to the scalp and then rinse your hair with a mild shampoo. This has proven to be one of the most effective home remedies for long hair.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar:

apple cider vinegar For Long Hair

Another great and easy to use home remedy for long hair is apple cider vinegar. For best results first wash your hair with shampoo and then finally rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar mixed in water.

13. Cayenne Pepper For Long Hair:

Cayene papper For Long Hair

Another ingredient commonly found in houses, mix cayenne pepper with olive oil and apply the mixture on the scalp and leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. This is probably the best home remedy for long hair.

14. Simple Hair Down Movement:

Simple Hair Down Movement For Long Hair

One of the long hair home remedies is to just flip your hair down (I know it seems stupid but it does work). By flipping your hair down for a few minutes the blood circulation improves in the scalp and doing this for 4-5 minutes every day will slowly help in making the hair grow longer. This is the one of the cheapest and easiest long hair home remedies available.

15. Breathing Exercises Or Yoga:

Breathing Exercises For Long Hair

Stress is the key to many of the health problems and that includes hair fall, bald patches, etc. There’s bound to be stress but one of the efficient home remedies for long hair is to relieve that stress. The stress could be relieved by doing breathing exercises, yoga, working on your hobby and many more techniques which also help calm the nerves. This is the most fruitful home remedy for long hair.

See More: How To Grow Hair Faster

So the above are few of the best home remedies for longer hair. You won’t be Disappointed after trying the any of the above home remedy to get long hair. We hope these home remedies for long hair effectively work wonders for you!