15 Vitamin E Rich Foods | Styles At Life

Vitamin E is an essential fat soluble anti oxidant that heals the skin and breaks down excess fat so that you can have a healthy body. It is quite natural that people suffering with a vitamin e deficiency may be a little overweight or borderline obese.  It is seen that people who have suffered with vitamin e deficiency for many years are either suffering from diabetes or are extremely overweight causing them to be unhealthy and may lead to severe consequences.

It is necessary that along with all the vital vitamins and minerals even vitamin e rich food are consumed so that the body can function normally without any sort of hesitation on its part. Any deficiency is not our body’s fault it is our fault as we have failed in implementing the vital elements that keep our body fit and stable. Vitamin E also helps prevent excessive aging or wrinkling of the skin and therefore has great applications in cosmetics and healthy food.

Vitamin e foods

Given below are some vitamin E rich foods that not only keep us healthy but help us look young and fit, vitamin E helps excessive aging and thus helps us retain the look we want over a longer period of time. Some of this vitamin E rich foods are:-



Eating a few almonds a day are enough to retain the stability of vitamin E levels in your body. Each almond has enough vitamin E to sustain half your body. Almonds are considered the best source of vitamin E available on the planet. Almond milk and oil is also available but the consumption of raw almonds are advised.

Mustard Greens:

mustard greens

Mustard greens contain 14% of all your dietary needs and is considered to be one of the best sources of vitamin E extract in the world. Mustard greens are also rich in vitamin A, C and many other nutrients that are great for the body and help to keep you healthy and oxidize your skin.

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Swiss Chard:

This food source if eaten daily contains 17% of all your dietary needs. It contains a rich source of vitamins such as A, K and C and is also well known to be a rich source of vitamin E. Swiss chard is one of the healthiest foods to be eaten on the planet and will surely keep your body healthy at all times.

Raw Seeds:

Eating raw seeds such as pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds on a daily basis is a perfect way to replenish any vitami9n E deficiency as one seed has a value of vitamin E that is equivalent to 95% of all your dietary Vitamin E needs. Raw seeds also help with digestion and keep your stomach clean.



Spinach is considered yet again to be another source of world famous healthy food that not only keeps you healthy and strong but also helps in digestion so that your body retains all the food value it needs to function at a proper pace. After all these advantages spinach is also a rich source of vitamin E that will give you fair oxidization so that your skin remains flawless. For many women spinach has been incorporated in their diet because of its exfoliating value. Dieticians claim that spinach has no disadvantages to being consumed and helps in all ways for the functionality of your system.

Turnip Greens:

turnip greens turnips

Overall all green vegetables are rich in vitamin E because of their oxidizing factor but turnip greens have a slightly higher level of vitamin E that is why it has been recommended out of a list of other green vegetables. Turnip greens are a perfect source of vitamin E and account for most of your dietary needs when eaten every day.

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Soy Products:

Soy Products

This is another source of vitamin E, soy products are rich in vitamin E therefore any individual that is a vitamin E deficient can enjoy these foods and also intake a sufficient amount of vitamin d for the functioning of their body. Soy products are rich in other vitamins also which include protein and vitamin D which is great for the skin and growth of the body. In total this is a fully rounded meal for any person.



Kale is another is extremely nutritious food and contains at least 6% of your daily vitamin E intake when consumed everyday. Vitamin in in kale can help your body in many ways and since kale is rich in other nutrients also it is the best food for any person, it is considered to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

See More:  Sources Of Vitamin K


Hazelnuts are another rich source of vitamin E. eating raw hazelnuts everyday accounts for at least 10% of your daily vitamin E dietary need. Hazelnuts are also a great food to help in digestion and also aid the liver in its functioning. All these foods are friendly to every person but in rare cases if you are allergic to hazelnuts or any nuts for that matter adopt any of the other choices for your leisure.

Pine Nuts:

Pine nuts come as a great topping for any type of food ranging from ice creams to hot chocolate. Pine nuts taste great and need no preparation and are also rich in vitamin E which is great for the body. Add this nut to any food you eat to achieve the best results.

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Avocado on white

Every body knows that avocado is extremely tasty and in the world of vitamin rich foods avocado Is considered the tastiest. Add avocado slices to your salads or sandwiches and in no time not only will you get rid of the vitamin E deficiency you are suffering with but you will also start enjoying the food you eat.


Boiled broccoli along with a salad or chicken is the best way to get rid of any vitamin E deficiency. Broccoli is rich in this vitamin making it an ideal food to eat at any point in time.

See More:  Vitamin D Rich Foods


Parsley is a spice which is added to food to increase of heighten the taste but not many people know that parsley is a rich source of vitamin e therefore its introduction in all types of food in your diet is recommended.



Eating a small portion of papaya everyday is not only great for vitamin E but is also great for the functioning of other areas of your body.


All forms of olives are rich in vitamin E. if you consume the oil or raw olives you will achieve the same amount of vitamin E consumption at all times.

See More:  Sources Of Vitamin C

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