23 Weeks of Pregnancy – Symptoms and Fetal Development | Styles At Life

Pregnancy is a wonderful word surrounded by nature’s miracle creation. The fine line dividing the two levels- the scientific and the divine creation merges exactly in the right amount to form pregnancy. It is the bringing of a new life to this earth, giving birth to a new being, a part and prejudice of you and your family. However, pregnancy might sound magical but a lot many mothers in the past have complained vehemently about the perils of stepping into motherhood. Often it is said that the pregnancy process is marked by the starting of the fertilization where the sperm from the father collides with the mother’s egg and forms a blastocyst. A blastocyst is a fertilized egg only after 4 days or so. This blastocyst then gets attached to the placenta of the uterus and then goes onto become an embryo. Even now the child is at his earliest stage without a proper distinct form or shape. It is now just an alien shape of something unrecognizable but proper. The embryo then furthers goes through changes to finally form a fetus from where all the actions start.

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23 Weeks Pregnant

The pregnancy is difficult in the first few months they say. It starts with a crazy morning sickness and is then piled with insomnia for quite some days until the small baby bump starts protruding eventually becoming prominent. The first few months are a havoc of emotions strewn all over the place with your loved ones doing best to control your depression or unhappiness. This slowly changes with the baby inside you connecting with yourself. With passing time the mother eases into her new body, accepts the responsibility strictly and abides by it. She gets used to the changes as her kid connects with herself. This however is a long term process of nine months.

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What to Think About This Week:

This is especially a first new step to the world of motherhood where first time pregnant mothers are always having a mix and match feeling. Amongst these haze of sweet and sour moments, no matter how much the nine months may cause you to settle down for changes, the starting line to the motherhood is crossed only when the mother gets to hold her child in her arms for the first time. all this time it was the simple umbilical cord that has bound them together and now she feels enlightened and ecstatic forgetting all about her by gone months of difficulty.

Fetal Development of the Baby:

This very nine months in medical term is counted on a weekly basis due to the frequent requirement to monitor the growth and health of the forming kid. This also helps with the doctoral visits. These nine months in total is summed up in a 40 week challenge which is further grouped for assistance. The total of 40 weeks is divided into three trimesters. The first trimester deals with formation of the baby inside while the second trimester deals with the development of the baby. The third and the last trimester deals with perfecting the functions, features and organs of the baby until at the 40th week or last week of the nine month the baby is delivered. The 23rd week falls under the second trimester which is considered the ‘golden era’. This week your baby will go through changes which are enlisted here within.

Perfect Hearing:

By the starting of this week, get into a habit of reading books to your child and talking daily even if it feels weird trying to talk to your own stomach. By now her ear bones have formed a distinct shape and have hardened so that she can perceive sounds and familiarize herself with it. You can even put on recordings of children poems or some melody or tune for your child to hear. She is now aware of your surroundings too, such as maybe your husband’s voice or your surrounding noises. Doctors say after birth usually these same sound sources can be used to put your baby to sleep or calm her down.

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Skin Form:

By now there is a slight reddish hue forming in your baby’s skin because of all the blood and veins rushing through underneath her soft paper fragile skin. The skin however is still somewhat lacking color being at its early age of formation. Also in absence of proper air and body fat the skin now is a bit saggy which will be filled by this week too.

Keratin Formations:

You must have heard this word a lot across many hair products. Keratin is a smooth layer on our body that helps us tighten the skin and allow the hair growth to occur without any hindrance. This keratin is an essential protein which now incorporates itself to the baby’s cells.

Breathe Well:

Along with a strong growing heartbeat the lungs are also developing for the baby to breath well on its own in the later weeks. Pneumocystis which are essential lung cells are being formed at around this time.

Baby Size:

This is a good time for you to notice the change in your little one. He is probably the size of a mango now. Anywhere between 10 to 11 inches is usually the size of a 23 week old baby. The weight of your baby is around 500 grams, but he will keep growing well and nice.

Amniotic Fluid:

Amniotic fluid is growing quick and your kid couldn’t be happier. Why? Well, he is having a gala time feasting on the fluid. You don’t need to worry about that going into your little one’s mouth, since the fluid keeps cleansing itself every day for at least 6-7 times. No kidding!

Symptoms of 23rd Week Pregnancy and How to Overcome:

During the time of pregnancy, along with the baby mother will also undergo several changes and some of the changes are enlisted below.


At around this time you might catch a bit of swelling in your limbs especially the feet region. This condition is called edema which is literally formed by water retention in the body. However this is not a serious condition and might not even bother you much. To prevent this condition from happening, don’t worry. Just make sure you have cold compress around to handle the situation. Try to switch to liquid through fruits instead of the usual water. That should help too.

Back Pain:

At around this time the mother will feel a crushing back pain which makes the back or lower abdomen stiff and red in pain. This is because with the passing weeks the baby is growing. By the end of this week your baby will be a full pound with almost 9 to 10 cm measurements. This calls for extra space in the uterus and while the baby craves for more space it pushes the back spine and girdles which causes a pain. To get relief from this, sleep on your side instead of your back. Use a pillow for support at all times to get rid of your back ache and ease the discomfort.

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Weight Gain:

This is the time your baby will be growing a fat layer underneath its skin which makes the mother prone to gain a bit weight too. By now you will feel the load of your baby bump. To prevent weight gain during pregnancy is literally impossible, but you can change that with a twist of diet. Start by switching over to salads instead of the cheese sandwich for snack. Cut down on the carbs, and bam! You are good to go.

Urine Frequency:

The size of your uterus is expanding every passing day. At this time, one of the most common symptoms is to feel the pressure of urination at its best at frequent intervals. This is the time where you will have a more number of bathroom breaks.But, at the same time, you will also seek the fridge for a little snack right after brunch and lunch as your appetite gets affected. Happening like this will be normal and nothing to get worried. A better way to overcome this situation is to limit the water intake and this doesn’t meant to be stop drinking water. You should rely upon fruits and some other natural sources for hydration. Taking fruits will help you to break down the excretory system that curbs your rush into bathroom every time.

Dream Weaver:

For the second trimester, by the 23rd week, a lot of women get to be part of weird dreams that their sleep centers weave for them. The dreams are barely close to reality, and are usually manifestations of stress. Of course harmless, it can affect you mentally though. Your baby isn’t part of your dreams yet, but she might be soon, so try to sleep by thinking of something positive. To overcome bad dreams, do not interpret dreams or try to connect them with reality, since that is a terrible decision and you will end up regretting it.

23rd Week Activities:

By this week, your wish should be to settle down with everything around, remaining few weeks are well spent. However with the worries and discomforts, that seldom happens. You will find yourself juggling with several activities, preparing for the birth and the never ending checkups. Besides so much work goes in to planning parenthood well and exercising. Not much will bother you this week and it will pass by soon, but do take care of yourself and rest more than usual.

Diet and Exercise for the 23rd Week:


  • If you are a non veg lover, then eating lean meat and white fish will be very good for health as you need to avoid raw sea foods. Should avoid pork and beef strictly.
  • For the veg lovers, taking Spinach and tofu will be the good choice.
  • At the six month of pregnancy, Zinc is very much needed since it will help a lot for the cell development of your baby.
  • It will be good enough if you have the prescribed vegetables and zinc supplements that proves to be the final seal on the deal.
  • Also the dairy products should be consumed but, you cannot intake calcium supplements.
  • If you are able to tolerate lactose content, other sources can help you develop teeth and bones of your baby.
  • At this stage, taking the raw foods should be avoided since the pesticides may not be removed during the washing. This will bring the risky facts and so try to have smoothies and juices.
  • Have a balanced diet that includes essential vegetables with daily dose of fruits and skip the greens. Pick the vegetables like Cabbage, Pumpkin, Tomatoes and Beans are our personal picks.
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  1. At this month, squats are the smarter choice as they offers the flexibility. You can get relaxed by doing the exercises fort the thighs and pelvic area.
  2. Doing yoga is the best way to enhance your body elasticity and the endurance power. This gives better mind for the delivery.
  3. If you do heavy exercises, take a slow paced walking at the park.
  4. Doing the Kegal exercise at this stage will be the best option which will keep your muscles around the vagina and rectum that gains more flexibility enduring the delivery strains.
  5. You can take out the usual stretching exercises as it will be very safe during these months that will not cause any effects.

Sex during Pregnancy in 23rd Week:

While as long as your pregnancy isn’t high risk having sex is okay but, still consult your doctor otherwise. If he says ok there is the chance for you to have it when you need his support at most. But, having it when your mood swings or with tired ness will not be good enough. In any case, choose the right pose that doesn’t strain your pelvic area.

Tips To Overcome Stress during Pregnancy:

  1. Cherishb about your new phase which is going to arrive.
  2. Try to go for a shopping that pampers you. Don’t try to go obsessive.
  3. As the delivery is an overwhelming time, you should analyze and weight every time that which situation will be right for you. Sharing this with your lovable ones will help you cut down the stress.
  4. You can get advice from the persons who have already experienced this but don’t try to get stressed.
  5. Be honest to your partner about yourself as the parenthood is very much important for the baby.
  6. Assume that your third trimester is nearing and so admit your life is going to change and start implement accordingly.

Medical Treatments and Checkup:

Most medical checkups will be very routine and given you have been doing them since the last six months now; you will be used to the procedure. At this stage, some final tests will be carried on to determine the right position of the baby. Most of the counter medicines which will not cause harm to your baby will be avoided. Some of them are listed below.

  • Fever- Paracetamol or Acyclovir
  • Heartburn- Antacids
  • Constipation- Do avoid Laxatives and Mineral Oil. You can take drugs like Metamucil
  • Cough- Dextromethorphan

Tips and Precautions:

  1. At this month the baby will proof the growth and you will face the changes soon.
  2. Beware of the changes in the position of the center of gravity as the baby will get affected when you try to change your position. This might be seen hard at the first time but, as the time goes this will become easy.
  3. Make sure you cut out entirely on all alcohol. First month was an easy take since your baby was still developing, but this month, things have to change.
  4. Avoid eating anything raw that can prove to be harmful for you and your baby. You can eat various items like meat, fish and eggs and also the vegetables like the carrots.
  5. Drink only pasteurized milk and consult your doctor about the quantity beforehand to avoid complications.

At this stage, take the medical treatments in a routine way which will help you to maintain the baby growth with the regular monitoring. This includes ultrasounds and blood tests.