24 Best Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia

Insomnia is the problems of sleeplessness. In this condition, the patient experiences lack of sleep and therefore leads to fatigue that hampers with the daily routine. For a healthy body, it is very important for a person to sleep for 8-9 undisturbed hours. However, insomnia is the problem that does not let this goal be achieved and therefore makes the body unhealthy.

24 Best Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia

For people, who want to treat this crisis in a simple and safe manner, should look for home remedies. This substitute to medications is highly effective as well as affordable on the pocket. To know more about the top notch home remedies that can help to cures the problem of insomnia for insomniac patients, this guide is a boon. It will give you the best solutions that if followed on a routine basis which are below natural remedies, that will give desired outcomes.

 Best Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia:

For Getting Good and healthy sleep you have to follow some home remedies for insomnia and avoid some things free from insomnia.

What Are The Home Remedies To Follow For Insomnia:

1. Meditate:

home remedies for insomnia

One of the best things to do where the treatment of insomnia is concerned is meditation. It is very important to have a peaceful mind for a sound sleep. Try and meditate for about 15-20 minutes each day to ensure a gradual but effective cure of insomnia.

2. Relaxation Techniques:

24 Best Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia

There are many relaxing techniques that a person can use for bringing the mind at peace and strike a balance where sleep is concerned. These include the art of yoga, stretching, aroma massages and more. Mindfulness is another form of relaxation art that can be used for the purpose of treating insomnia. Make sure you do any of the mentioned techniques each day for visible outcomes.

3. Diet Change:

There are some dietary modifications that one needs to bring in the daily routine when it comes to insomnia. Cutting down on the amounts of caffeine is one of them. Along with this, avoiding sweets is another of the important considerations that you need to make.

diet concepts 23

Foods that help in sleeping like carbohydrate crackers should be eaten before going to bed. Magnesium rich foods also act as a sedative and should be taken. These include wheat bran, whole grain, almonds, cashews and more.

4. Lavender Aroma Therapy:

Lavender oil

Lavender is one of the natural products that have properties of a mild tranquilizer which can teat the insomnia also. Use a little lavender oil on the forehead and the temples before going off to sleep. This will help you reach the goals of good sleep.

5. Take a Good Shower:

Showering Woman

Warm showers especially a soak in the water with some essential oils like that of ylang-ylang or lavender is a good way to treat the issue of insomnia. This is supposed to help you release the stress on the muscles as well. This bathing tip is very good for relaxations and better sleep.

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6. Chamomile Tea For Insomnia:

24 Best Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia

Have a cup of chamomile tea to soothe the mind, body and soul. This should be done about 1 hour prior to sleeping. It will surely treat insomnia and restlessness and help in good sleep. It is one of the best natural home remedies for insomnia which give a good sleep.

7. Set The Ambience:

Home Remedies For Insomnia dim light 7

Sometimes the noise and light in the room is such that it causes disturbance with the sleep. It is important to have a peaceful room with dim light for proper sleep. This will help in treatment of the insomnia you are experiencing in a simple and safe way.

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8. Jasmine Essential Oil:

Jasmine oil

Take a few drops of jasmine essential oils on both the wrists before hitting the bed. The scent will definitely make you sleep and that too in the most ideal way possible. You have to use this oil regularly to get better results which saves you from problem of insomnia.

9. Do Physical Exercise:

24 Best Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia

If you follow a strict exercise regime each day, you will surely be exhausted and tired by night. This will ensure that you doze off as soon as you hit the bed. Physical exercise is one of the natural ways to treat insomnia. As additional benefit, it will keep the body fit and balance the weight.

10. Herbs For Insomnia:


Herbal stuff has always been the tool behind a better sleep. Valerian is such a herb which will allow you in having a better sleep. It will also reduce the symptoms of a hangover and assist you in eliminating insomnia.

11. Before-Bed Diet:

Chicken legs with spinach

According to experts, having a bite of some protein-rich foods will assist you in treating insomnia for good. Foods such as chicken and turkey contain high amounts of protein which is good before the sleep. It will provide you with an effective and better sleep. Foods such as turkey come with a substance called tryptophan which is an amino acid and helps in granting you with better sleep. According to experts this is one of the best natural home remedies for insomnia.

12. Warm Milk:

Glass of milk on the light blue background

This is an old homemade remedy for insomnia is extremely effective. Start having a glass of warm milk before heading to bed from now on. It will surely ensure a better sleep.

13. Intake Of Magnesium And Calcium:

nuts and seeds

Both of these natural elements are considered as the best sleep boosters. It has been seen that persons consuming these two element containing food are getting better sleep compared to those who are not having enough intake of these two natural substances. The recommended amount of calcium that should be consumed by us on a daily basis is 200 milligrams.

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14. Wild Lettuce:

Wild lettuce

Try having some wild lettuce in the morning or in the afternoon. This will allow you in having a sound sleep. It will also assist your body in dealing with the stress. You can add it in list of home remedies for insomnia.

15. Read Good Books:

Read Good Books

This means try avoiding horror stories or films. They occupy your mind keeps thinking about the stuff you have read of watched on television. Instead, watch romantic and love movies or the ones which come with a happy ending. Try reading some good books such a biography’s and books intended for the kids. Believe it or not, this will allow you have a good and sound sleep which will lead to a better tomorrow.

16. Take Your Condition More Seriously:

No Sleeping

Do you want to know insomnia home natural remedies? Insomnia can prove to be harmful. It has been the reason behind many deaths of patients with high blood pressure. Hence, it is time you concentrate a little more on sleeping. Take some time off the world and concentrate on yourself. Follow a particular schedule which is in favor of your sleep and sleep a little more often until you come out of this self-created harmful stage.

17. Bed Tricks:

sleep proper

Mind it! This remedy does not work with everyone but still it is worth a try. One can change the sleeping positions and try a new one. The tricks include changing the mattress or the pillow One can also change the sides and relaxing a bit during sleep.

18. Follow The Right Schedule Suitable For Your Body:

Let’s be honest. Our body types vary and so do our habits. Hence, we should make a routine which is to be strictly followed by us. The routine should be tailored to the sleep needs. You will have to make sure that the routine provides you enough time that your body requires spending on the bed resting. Continuing such a habit will further assist in eradicating your sleepless nights. It is one of the natural and easiest home remedy for insomnia which gives healthy sleep.

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Which Are To Be Avoided For Insomnia:

19. After Intercourse Tips:

Home remedies for insomnia intercourse

Are you in need of some home remedies for treating insomnia? Then you better pay attention to this one. After having intercourse, a hormone is released in the men’s body which is also natural during sleep. But women, on the other hand, suffer from insomnia. That particular cuddle hormone is also released in the women’s body but for some reason, they do not make them feel sleepy compared to the men. Hence, if you want to have a sound sleep then avoid intercourse.

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20. Keep The Phone Away:

Men View Mobile in Night

Admit it or not. We all are somehow addicted to our cell phones. We switch it on during night to check message or have a late conversation. This is not good for you. It will not assist you in sleeping.Rather, it will put pressure on the eyes and eliminate your sleepy feeling which might lead to a sleepless night. Studies have proved that, out of 10, 8 persons have claimed the cell phone as the main culprit behind their insomnia.

21. Turn Off The Alarm Clock:

stop alarm

Yes, it is true. Studies have shown that people often stay in the fear of waking up on time and for that reason they run out of enough sleep as they are sleeping but there is an amount of stress on their minds. Some experts have recommended to turning off the alarm clock till your free from the insomnia stage.

22. Avoid Too Much Caffeine:

Caffeiene Side effetcs

Too much coffee is not good for you. There are also a number of other products that come with caffeine content such as Pepsi. But since, coffee is considered as one of the best sources of caffeine we are going to stick with coffee. Yes, it is true that during a huge load of work or exams coffee might help you to stay awake. But too much consumption of coffee might prove to improper functioning of organs and reduce sleep as well. Coffee is considered as one of the main villains for insomnia.

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23. Socialize:

friends taking selfie photo

Last but not the least, this is a really effective natural remedy for treating insomnia. At the end of the day all, we require is a good and healthy heart. We should not forget that our friends and people we hang out with can assist in reducing stress and grieve, Try socializing a bit if you think you need some friends.

24. Easy On The Booze:

Avoid alcohols

Consuming a high amount of alcohol might be the reason behind your insomnia. Alcohol can ruin you slumber. Remember, for an effortless sleep you will have to stay sober. This condition is generally seen in women. Since men can get tipsy but still get sound sleep. But women, on the other hand, have to suffer from sleepless nights if they consume high amount of drinks with alcohol content. This is one of the best home remedies for insomnia.

These were some home remedies which are being practiced by persons suffering from insomnia. It is true that there are many other remedies which can be practiced at home for a better sleep. But these are some of the best remedies suggested by persons who have fixed their problems regarding insomnia.