7 Kundalini Yoga Poses and Its Benefits | Styles At Life

Kundalini Yoga is a very old system that comprises of large selection of meditation techniques. The yoga form is a brilliant and wonderful combination of poses, breathing exercises and incantations. The poses under Kundalini yoga are specifically targeted at the strengthening the nerves and glands, the lymphatic system and circulatory system. Pranayama is an essential part of Kundalini yoga as it helps to change the brain chemistry for good, in order to develop peace and harmony. All the techniques under this yoga help to rejuvenate the meridian points and chakras throughout the body. This helps to free the latent energy and light present in the body.

7 Kundalini Yoga Poses and Its Benefits | Styles At Life

The Practise of Kundalini Yoga Helps With

  • Healing manias
  • Healing alcohol and drug abuse
  • Healing depressions
  • Healing sleeplessness
  • Healing other mental problems.

The yoga form is considered a meditative and physical aspect of yoga. The yoga technique under this form engages the mind, senses and body so that the union of body and mind is established. Besides making a person mature, the major focus of Kundalini yoga is psycho-spiritual growth. The spine and the endocrine system are given utmost importance so that the Kundalini may be awakened.

Even though the yoga form is physical, its major benefit is obtained through inner experience. The yoga form is very tough and elaborate, consisting of asanas, expressive movements and incantations, pranayamas and meditation.

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Kundalini energy is an energy that is latent in all human beings beneath the organic and inorganic matter. The practice of Kundalini is to awaken this dormant energy and send them through the six centres of spiritual energy called the chakras.  One can attain liberation through the practice of Kundalini yoga, which is said to give both joy and emancipation.

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7 Kundalini Yoga Poses and Its Benefits | Styles At Life

One can awaken the Kundalini energy through a set of Hatha Yoga exercises which concentrate on different Chakras, i.e., nerve plexuses, which starts right at the base of anus to all the way up the spinal column. Here are yoga asanas that can clear the seven chakras in a person.

First Chakra – Mooladhara (Root Chakra)

Asana – Crow pose / Bakasana:

bakasana1. Begin this asana, with a tadasana or mountain pose.
2. Squat down so that you can place your hands on the floor. The hands must be shoulder distance apart.
3. Raise your hips high, engaging your core muscles.
4. Your knees must be now placed against your upper triceps muscles.
5. Set your gaze on the floor, a little ahead of your hands.
6. Shift your weight to your hands and lift your feet off the ground. Straighten your elbows.
7. Remain in this pose for 10 seconds to one minute depending on your ability. Then lower your feet to the ground and go to Uttanasana (standing forward bend pose)

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Second Chakra – Svadisthana (Sacral Chakra)

Asana – Frog pose / Mandukasana

frog pose

1. Kneel down on the floor and keep your knees as wide apart as possible, without straining your hips and knees.
2. You must now flex your feet strong enough to let the inner edges of your feet to touch the ground. The angle in the knees and ankles should be no more than 90 degrees.
3. Once you are comfortable in this position, lower down to your forearms.
4. Look down and keep the back of your neck long. Relax your stomach and heart, so that the shoulder blades draw towards one another.
5. From here, push your hips back and downward. Remain in this pose for few mintues taking deep breaths.

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Third Chakra – Manipura (Solar Plexus)

Asana – Bow pose / Dhanurasana:


1. Lie down on your back with hands on both sides and legs parallel to each other.
2. Bend your legs at the knees so that they are raised up.
3. Now stretch your arms backwards and try to grab the legs with your hands at the ankles.
4. Now lift your legs up towards the ceiling.
5. This would force your thighs and chest to lift off the ground. You can feel your whole body stretch.
6. Look at a point in front of you and breathe deeply for a few minutes.
7. Then relax and go back to original position.

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Fourth Chakra – Anahata (Heart Chakra)

Asana – Camel Pose / Ustrasana

The Camel Pose

1. Begin by kneeling down on the floor.
2. Place your hips and thighs such that they make 90 degrees with the floor.
3. In this position, try to move your thigh inwards.
4. Bend backwards and let your hands touch the soles of your feet.
5. Arch your back. Your head must face the ceiling.
6. Deep breathe in this position for a few minutes and relax.

Fifth Chakra – Vishuddha (Throat Chakra)

Asana – Cobra Pose:

cobra asana pose

1. Lie down on your stomach on the floor with your hands on the sides.
2. Place your palms below your shoulders, facing the ground. The top of your feet must touch the ground.
3. Press your palms to the ground and push your head and torso up and off the ground.
4. Bend your torso backwards, with the pelvis still on the ground and hands perpendicular to the ground.
5. Look straight and breathe deeply and lower your chest and arms.

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Sixth Chakra – Ajna (Third eye)

Asana – Guru Pranam:

guru pranam asana

1. Kneel down and sit back on your heels.
2. Bend forward and bring your torso over your thighs.
3. Place your head on the ground and stretch your hands to the front joining your hands in prayer.

Seventh Chakra – Sahsrara (Crown Chakra)

Asana – Sat Kriya

7 Kundalini Yoga Poses and Its Benefits | Styles At Life

1. Begin by sitting on your heels.
2. Raise your hands above your head and join your hands interlacing all fingers except the index fingers.
3. Bring your arms closer to your ears and squeeze in your navel point.

Every chakra in is important in Kundalini Yoga. You cannot focus on just one chakra and ignore the needs of the other chakras. The first three chakras (lower triangle) deal with elimination and the last three chakras (upper triangle) focus on accumulation. The fourth chakra is an essential point as it acts as the point of balance, since this is where both the upper triangle and lower triangle meet.

Images Source:Shutterstock, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9.