Is Eating Cloves safe during Pregnancy? | Styles At Life

Pregnancy is obviously an extra-cautious time for all mothers, who want nothing half as much as to keep their baby’s health safeguarded. So, if you just gulped down a handful of those spices, now frantically looking for some help over the internet, don’t panic! If you’re worried about how dangerous it could be for your trimester, your pregnancy and your to-be born, you’ve hit a click on the right article.

Clove During Pregnancy

Cloves During Pregnancy?

1. Known for their high antioxidants, cloves are a rich source for activating your body’s cell damage repair system. That way, both you and your foetus are out of harm’s way till the very end. Say what you want, cloves have the finest set of benefits when it comes to the category of spices. Not only this, your bodies immunity is risked owing to the other life you have inside you. Cloves do a great job in strengthening that easily.

2.  There are a lot of minerals involved in cloves and most of it is comprised of high levels of manganese, sodium and finally, phosphorus. Your unborn baby’s healthy development is most certainly given the leap it needs by these supplements.

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3. The next best thing about cloves is the high dietary fibre it contains. Many women often complain about how their pregnancy is causing bad levels of indigestion and constipation. With the use of the right amount of cloves in your diet, you can easily control this aspect. Not only will all your food troubles be at bay, but also your bowel movements will be way more flexible. The added perk to all of this will be the great taste of the blunt dishes that you’ve been having otherwise. So, make it a practice to include clove every now and then to the food that you eat.

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4. To eliminate the troubles of cold, fever and flu, ancient medicine from time immemorial has been adding clove to the dishes. The vitamin supplements in cloves- namely C and K will add to the benefits of the only long list of advantages.

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5. Joint ache and swelling are equally common during pregnancy and to your delight, the flavonoids found in cloves act as a great source of anti-inflammatory agent. Also rich in protein and calcium, a healthy bout of cloves can gush you with a dash of positive energy and hasten the bone formation procedure.


♦ Do remember that it is advisable to stay away from any sort of supplements. From clove oil to herbal clove medications, nothing is safe with the risk of adulteration these products pose. Which is why, you need to entirely stick to the raw clove that you bring home.

♦ Since many women complain of uterine contractions on the intake of cloves, consulting your gynecologist about how many of these you should include in your intake would be the smart move.

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So, is eating a clove or two dangerous for your pregnancy? Not at all- In fact, your normal healthy diet is upheld with its usual share of spices. However, you need to make sure that its well within the safe zone. The clove on a whole does not lead to a miscarriage, but the bleeding and contractions do- which only happen when you’re way above the normal levels of intake. If you get a green signal from your doctor, there is absolutely no harm in indulging in your favorite food every now and then.

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