Top 20 Home Remedies to Remove Tan | Styles At Life

Early morning at around 6, 6.30, you decide to go out on a healthy jog but by the time you are done, the sun is shining bright on top of you. While in the western regions the sun is looked upon as bliss on a happy beach vacation day, that is not the case in tropical countries sweltering underneath the equator. The earth being round in shape of course misses out on the polar or upper regions but the equator, the imaginary line dividing the earth in two hemispheres knows best the wrath of the sun. Shining directly with its great balls of fire burning on us, tropical countries are therefore born with a sun kissed healthy glow skin.

That rich caramel brown texture of the skin is something we inherit proudly, but what happens as we grow up and get more exposed to sun. With time, a surface exposed to the harsh warmth of the sun after years and years is bound to leave a mark of the sun on it. The same thing happens with our skin where due to excessive warmth and sun exposure, a part of the place experiences excess melanin production causing the area to darken amongst the other. This we in beauty terms look down at and call a ‘tan’. Being born with rich brown skin textures, a tan worsens the condition blackening it.home remedies to remove tan

The mighty sun produces a total of three types of ultraviolet rays the most of which is absorbed by the atmosphere and the ozone layer above. There is always a loop hole which sneaks in the rest percent of UV rays into the earth which is where it mixes in with the vitamin D and shines down on our skin. This UV ray especially A and B are responsible for tanning of the skin. This rays tamper with the melanin in our body chemically reacting with it. This is one way of tanning the other includes boosting the melanin production.

Avoiding tan with a scorching sun ray falling directly on you is implausible, the reason why us tropical girls desperately look for a pocket friendly solution to tan cure. This is not only for the beauty purposes that we are concerned but for the hefty consequences a tan might leave. Too much tanning might burn the skin at places causing redness and blister or first degree burn discomforts. But on a higher note a very little people know that one of the main causes of skin cancer is an excess of vitamin D falling directly on your skin. While sunscreens are always a big spot cure for further damage, here is a bunch of simple and natural home remedies to remove tan and those darkened spots and patches.

 Best And Natural Home Remedies To Remove Tanning :

1. Aloe vera :

Diff aloevera gels

Whenever we mention skin problems and its cure, the top priority on the list is always the natural methods that can be made in home and has the intact natural properties in it for better result. Pre made aloe vera gels and packs are always available but the raw transparent sap and clear fleshy inner parts of the leaf of the actual aloe plant can work wonders. It not only evens out the skin tone it significantly reduces redness. Slice and splice a raw leaf from the aloe plant and apply the sap directly on area.

2. Turmeric For Remove Tan :

mm and turmeric for dry skn

Extensively used in the Indian tradition for its beautifying purposes, turmeric can be applied directly to the affected area. However turmeric is either in solid form or grounded form therefore a pack or mixture is made. It can be mixed with simple water or milk and applied. Leave it for the night and see the results in the morning.

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3. Lemon :


Probably the shining star of the lot, lemon or its sister lime is a power packed anti tan removal element with skin lightening properties. Lemons or limes are rich in vitamin C that takes due care of the skin while the citric acid enriched in them fights the dark spots and bold patches on your skin.

4. Oatmeal :

oatmeal paste

Often after a long day out in the field when you come back and wash your face, you are bound to feel a discomforting irritating redness on your skin which burns and produces discomfort. That is the tan setting in and therefore the quickest way is to use oats or oatmeal cooked or mixed in your face for best results. It’s cooling sensation deals with the heavy sensations on your skin instantly cooling it. It comes with a bonus skin lightening property.

5. Honey And Milk :

hny and milk

One of the sweetest ways to deal with the bitter tan is to apply a mixture of honey and milk on your face. Milk has always been used to smoothen skin discomforts and texture and with its lactic properties that lighten skin tone this becomes a perfect product. Honey on the other hand dates back to the olden day home remedies to cure certain skin ailments. Combine these two and see the results yourself.

6. Egg White :

Egg yolk and white

The white runny liquid surrounding the yellow little yolk is your key to a great skin. Separate the egg white form the yolk and make a face pack of it by using simple lemon or honey with it. For best results you can use it directly by usage of a cotton pad on your affected area.

See More:  Skin Tanning Removal Tips

7. Yoghurt :

Natural beauty tips - yogurt

A fine paste of yogurt compiled with some tomato juice is an effective pack to reduce the tans significantly. The tomato juice works as a lightening agent and the yogurts special contribution is soothing the skin texture along with the lactic acid lightening and cooling the blister tans down.

8. Papaya Remedy For Remove Skin Tan :

Papaya 1

Papaya is also a great home remedy for skin tone and it does not require much hassle either. All you have to do is mash up papaya and apply it directly on your face for best results.

9. Orange :

orange fruits

Every morning while you gulp down that glass of orange juice, take some time out to squeeze some into your tan area too. During the weekends, take a few moment off to mash up some orange pulps and apply it. Orange being rich in vitamin C and hydroxy acid can help you a lot in fading those stubborn tans.

10. Cucumber :


Cucumbers have bleaching abilities and this is known to everyone. It is also helpful when you want to get rid of dark circles. Here we are presenting one of the home remedies to remove tan with the help of an awesome face pack. For this you will need lemon juice, a little rose water and of course cucumber extract made naturally at home. Now make a nice concoction out of this and start applying this to your face. Make sure you do this at least 3 times every week to get rid of tan completely and the rose water acts as a toner along with that.

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See More: How To Remove Face Tanning Quickly

11. Bengal Gram Flour :

BENGAL Gram Flour Pack

We have already come to know about the fact that turmeric is one of the home remedies for tan removal. Now how about mixing it with some Bengal gram flour which is also a good scrubber for the skin and you can also mix to this some milk or rose water. Now to make this whole pack even better and more potential, you can add orange peel extracts and thus make a nice paste out of these. Now just make a fine spread all over your face and let it dry. Now take a few drops of water to moisten your face and start massaging in circular motions and then wash off your face.

12. Red Lentil :

Home Remedies to Remove Tan - red lentil

Commonly known as masoor dal, this is not only a tasty way to take in a lot of proteins but is also one of the home remedies for tanning. Now let us know how to use this properly. For the best results out of this, you can soak some dal overnight and then make a fine paste out of this the next morning. To this mix equal amount of tomato paste made at home and also some Aloe Vera extract. Now make a nice face pack and apply it like usual and then let it dry after which you can wash away your face.

13. Papaya And Honey For Removing Tanning :


Independently both honey and papaya are home remedies for removing tan but just imagine how much potential the combination of the two will become. For this awesome and effective face pack we need half a cup of ripened papaya and a spoon full of honey. Now take crushed papaya for easy usage. Blend both of these really well and your pack is ready. Now apply this nicely to your face, neck and hands too if you wish to. Leave this for about 30 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water for best results

14. Buttermilk :


Buttermilk is like a natural moisturiser which will act as a softener for your affected skin areas. Now the mixture of buttermilk along with oatmeal is awesome as one of the home remedies for tan removal. For this you need to take some buttermilk and some oatmeal. You can also take some oatmeal powder if you have. This will act as a natural scrubber and help to exfoliate and cleanse your skin by removing dead and damaged skins and cells. Now do the facial really nice and then wash your face with lukewarm water.

15. Yoghurt And Orange Juice :


No do not get scared because no one is telling you to drink yoghurt and orange juice together. This is for a face pack which is also one of the home remedies for skin tanning . Take some yoghurt and mix with this ample amount of lemon juice. Now make a nice and smooth paste and it should be runny at all. Also to get safe do not limit the use of orange juice to an amount which will hardly make any effects. Now apply this pack on your face, neck and other affected areas and then let it rest for about 30 minutes and then wash it off as usual.

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See More:  Remove Tan From Body

16. Strawberry And Cream :

Home Remedies to Remove Tan - Strawberry and cream

Oh yes I know that makes an irresistible combination to gorge on but no you are not supposed to eat this. This is one of the best home remedies for removing tan and is now used almost all over the world. What you need is all about total of 5 strawberries and then you have to crush them nicely. Pour this in a bowl and now add fresh milk cream to this strawberry. This is your face pack and not the smoothie you feel like relishing. Now apply this and let it remain for about 20 minutes and then wash it off gently with lukewarm water.

17. Sandalwood :

sandalwood FOR TAN

Many of us know that sandalwood is a natural tan removal and also a coolant because of which it is a very popular remedy when you have heat blisters. It is also almost the same in this case. Here, you have tanned lines instead of blisters. For this, you can make sandalwood paste in good amount and now apply this directly to the affected areas and especially your face. It is best to apply this every night before you are going to bed. Now there are again two ways. You can either wait for it to dry and then wash off before you sleep or you can also let it get soaked by the skin overnight.

18. Coconut Water And Sandalwood :


From the previous point we already know for a fact that sandalwood is like a medicinal remedy for tan removal and it mixed with another toner and coolant is nothing but an advantage in itself. For this you will need some coconut water and sandalwood powder to make a nice paste which will not even be runny at all. Now you can also add a little bit of almond extract to this and your face pack is absolutely ready to be applied like you apply many other face packs.

19. Cabbage For Get Rid Of Tanning :

Cabbage for TAN

You must be surprised when you see this in the list but it is a good news that you do not need to eat cabbages here but to apply them. Even more surprised to know this? It is natural because this has been an outcome of very recent scientific studies that the leaves of a cabbage are very good for tan removal. Now you just have to take the leaves of the cabbage and place it inside the refrigerator and now take them out and place it for some time on the affected areas.

20. Ice Cubes :


There are times when these sun burns turn into heat rashes and have a bad itching and burning sensation on the skin. These are really irritating and it is best not to interfere at this time with face packs and other home remedies for removing tan. You can just take ice cubes one by one and then dab it on the affected areas or you can also take a cloth and soak it in very cloth water and massage your face.

Tanning is a common problem not only among men but women as well. Now with such a list of natural  home remedies for tanning it has sure become easier manage these lines.

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