Top 9 Baba Ramdev Yoga for Weight Gain | Styles At Life

While most of people I see around are busy shedding their extra pounds by adapting one way or the other, there is yet another class of people, especially teenager boys and girls who are self conscious about their appearance because they are underweight. Markets are literally, flooded with all sort of supplements like protein shakes, protein powders and god knows, what all and what not!! Youngsters, seem to be forgetting about the natural ways to put on weight.

The importance of a nutritious diet and Yoga in gaining weight in a healthy way cannot be ignored. Surely, these methods take more time to show up results as compared to quick fix, artificial remedies but at least, they do not harm your body.

Below, in this article we would talk about certain Yoga Asanas that Baba Ramdev recommends to individuals who are looking forward to gain weight in a safe and healthy way.Let us first, talk about what all Yoga Asanas that you can practice to put on some weight:

1. Bhujangasana (The cobra Pose):

baba ramdev yoga for weight gain

This asana helps you tone and strengthen the muscles in your abdominal and back region.

2. Vajrasana (Diamond pose):


This Yoga Asana is considered very good for weight gain as it helps in improving the digestion, in particular and assimilation, that is, the absorption of nutrients, in particular. So, it basically helps your body take up the nutrition better and utilize it for growth in muscle mass. It is also known by the name of thunderbolt asana.

3. Sarvangasana (The Shoulder Stand Pose):

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This helps people with hyperthyroidism and helps in reducing the weigh loss that is associated with this hormonal disorder.

4. Pavanmuktasana (Wind Releasing Pose):

Pavanmukta Asana

This helps in relieving constipation, indigestion and bloating. So, basically, improvises digestion helping you gain weight, eventually.

5. Matsyasana ( The Fish Pose):


This again, enhances nutrient absorption from parts of your intestines.

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6. Savasana ( Corpse Post):

Top 9 Baba Ramdev Yoga for Weight Gain | Styles At Life

7. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations):


These give your entire body an intense work out and help in better body processes and functioning to help gain weight. Another form of Yoga that is important in gaining is Pranayama that is deep & controlled breathing.

8. Kapal Bhati Pranayama:


Doing kapal bhati is beneficial to your overall health in more ways than one. It is very helpful in curing stomach & Digestion related disorders. It helps in improving the functioning of Pancreas so, helps in natural secretion of insulin hormone. It helps in clearing out toxins from your system and therefore helps in maintaining an ideal body weight.

9. Anulom Vilom Pranayama:


Apart from helping you in gaining some weight, Practice of Anulom Vilom pranayama helps in making your mind more calm and focused. It also helps in increasing the overall energy levels of your body and improves your metabolism and also streamlines it. This allows better digestion and utilization of nutrients present in your diet.

Along with performing the above, you must have a diet that is rich in Vitamins, fibers and lots of healthy proteins. Increase your intake of milk and milk products, fresh fruits, fruit juices and nuts. To keep your metabolism active take a small meal after every two to three hours. Keep the meals light and nutritious instead if heavy and fat laden even if you are trying to gain weight. Indulge in some form of light exercise to activate your metabolism. Also, apart from all this, it is really important to consult your physician and take his or her help to figure out the exact cause if low body weight. Yoga can act as a powerful companion in your weight gain plan.

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