Top 9 Special Rangoli Designs | Styles At Life

1. Kundan Rangoli:

special rangoli

Made out of the finest colourful beads, this kundan rangoli is super easy to make. All you need are readymade beads and a pasting adhesive to give life to your handmade creativity. Start by placing the central diya stand and then covering around with false pearls and coloured beads.

2. Mango Leaf Rangoli:

Special Rangoli Designs Mango Leaf Rangoli

Given that mango leaves are always considered to be holy, this rangoli design makes sure it is used in a very special way for a rangoli design. One can implement this design by making use of bright colourful clothing (which can be replaced by flowers) and surrounding it with mango leaves around.

3. Peacock Feather Rangoli:

Special Rangoli Designs Peacock Feather Rangoli

Talk of artistic special rangoli designs and this one wins the title. There is nothing better than a peacock feather indirectly bringing the beauty and gorgeousness of the national bird of India. There are so many ways to design this rangoli. From colours to using actual peacock feather, the more time you have, the more innovative you can get with this one.

See More: Hindu Rangoli Patterns

4. Rangoli with Flower and Water:

Special Rangoli Designs Rangoli with Flower and Water

In case you don’t really want to make a mess of your interior and flooring with colours that leave stain, this is your way out to still making your home festive-ready. Use your large base flower fountain for the day and pour in all the finest bright flowers in it and use water to keep them fresh and your home smelling like its paradise on Earth.

5. Corner Rangoli:

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Special Rangoli Designs Corner Rangoli

Mostly left alone, corners are the most neglected areas of any home. But a rangoli there instead always go well with big diyas or antique show pieces. Place them on a side and cover the area around with a beautiful bright eye-catching design. There are so many ways to explore every nook and corners of the house that way.

See More: Rangoli Designs For Festivals

6. Vegetable Rangoli:

Special Rangoli Designs Vegetable Rangoli

So just when you thought you were running out of ideas for an innovative artwork this festival, this is the masterpiece to save you from your dilemma. Just take all the vegetable you can out of your refrigerator and onto the floor in an astounding pattern and behold your new ‘very unlike the usual’ rangoli is here.

7. Bangle Rangoli:

Special Rangoli Designs Bangle Rangoli

If your old bangles don’t fit you anymore, give it a thought before throwing them away. You could always turn it so something productive- like making a rangoli! Now who would have thought of that right? Which is exactly why this special rangoli makes it to this list.

8. Landscape Rangoli:

Special Rangoli Designs Landscape Rangoli

Rangolis are a great way to show how inventive you can get. So step out of your drawing notebook as you make the floor your canvas for your new landscape. The colours should be smartly chosen, so that it contrasts your interiors and thus looks astoundingly striking.

See More: Latest Rangoli Designs Images

9. Welcome Rangoli:

Special Rangoli Designs Welcome Rangoli

Strictly meant for the entrance of your home, this rangoli is indeed special since it will be the first impression that your guests get of you. Think something nice yet eye-catching and you’re good to go. Make use of bright permanent colours and use glue as you go to keep it stuck on the floor for a longer time.

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Now a days there is no escaping a rangoli in festivals. So take a break from the simple ones and try something different. The appreciation you receive for the same will be totally worth your time.

Images Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.