24 Best Home Remedies For Acidity That Really Work | Styles At Life

There is hardly anyone who does not suffer from acidity at some point in their life. Over eating is usually a habit when it comes to good food which finally leads to extreme pressure on the digestive system as well as acid formation in the stomach. This leads to the condition of acidity. Though it is not a serious health ailment, it is definitely one that causes discomfort and light pains in the chest along with abdomen cramps. So once you feel you are going through the crisis, the next best thing to do is to get some home cures to treat the problem rather than depending upon medications.

home remedies for acidity

This list has some best home remedies for acidity that can be used without any second thoughts. Check them out and use on a routine basis.

Natural Home Remedies To Cure Acidity:

1.Basil Leaves:

24 Best Home Remedies For Acidity That Really Work | Styles At Life

The medicinal benefit of basil leaves not only helps in curing acidity but also the feelings of nausea and gas. It is one of the best things to use when it comes to this health crisis. You can either chew some fresh basil leaves or prepare a cup of basil tea by boiling it in water and having it with a little honey.

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2. Jaggery For Acidity:


Keeping a piece of jaggery in the mouth after every meal will ensure the treatment as well as prevention of acidity in one of the simple and easy ways. This is highly efficient and affordable on the pocket. This is one of the best home remedies for acidity that cure as early as possible.

3. Cinnamon:

24 Best Home Remedies For Acidity That Really Work | Styles At Life

The antacid properties in the natural product we know as cinnamon really helps in the cure of acidity. Cinnamon tea can be prepared by boiling some cinnamon powder in water for a while and then consuming it in the case of acidity. This will treat the ailment.

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4. Fennel Seeds Benefits:

24 Best Home Remedies For Acidity That Really Work | Styles At Life

Take a cup of warm water and soak about 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds in it for an entire night. In the morning, strain the liquid, mix in a little honey and drink it for keeping acidity at bay in an effective way. This should be taken three times in a day.

5. Ginger:

24 Best Home Remedies For Acidity That Really Work | Styles At Life

The anti inflammatory properties of ginger are good for acidity treatment. Ginger also neutralizes the levels of stomach acids. Ginger tea can be prepared for the benefit or else one can chew on some ginger with salt. Another way is to extract ginger juice and take it with a little honey.

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6. Have Water:

24 Best Home Remedies For Acidity That Really Work | Styles At Life

A simple way to treat acidity at home is to have plenty of water that will flush out the acids and toxins causing the issue. About 10-12 glasses throughout the day are recommended in this scenario for visible outcomes and other added benefits. A glass of lukewarm water will also help in instant outcomes.

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7. Buttermilk Cures Acidity:


Having a glass of freshly prepared buttermilk helps positively in acidity as well as gastric issues. The lactic acid in the liquid helps in bringing the stomach acid in proper control. A little black pepper and coriander leaves will only improve the results.

8. Cloves And Cardamom:

Clove and Cardamom

Powder one clove as well as a cardamom together and take this powder after each meal to not only treat acidity but also to prevent it well. This is another of the safe remedies that can be used without any doubt. This is one of the best and effective home remedy treatments for acidity problem for both men and women.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar:

24 Best Home Remedies For Acidity That Really Work | Styles At Life

The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is what works wonders on acidity problems. About two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water can be consumed for treatment. One can also use white vinegar if apple cider is not available for the same aim.

10. Cumin Seeds:

caraway Cumin seeds

This is considered as one of the best natural home remedies for acidity. Cumin seeds are those gifts of nature which acts as acid neutralizers. They can solve indigestion problems and can also relieve you from the stomach pain. The next time you’re experiencing a stomach pain because if acidity, try the cumin seed home remedy.

11. Cold Milk:

Cold Milk

Apart from buttermilk, simple cold milk will help you with a number of acidity symptoms. It can make the stomach calm and can also provide the body with essential requirements during this period. Milk has the ability to stabilize the gastric acids present in the stomach and get rid of the acidity within no time. The soothing properties of milk can also make you feel better.

12. Jeera Home Remedy For Acidity:


Jeera contains the ability to relieve acidity instantly. This is one of the best natural remedies for acidity. Jeera can produce saliva which assists in better digestion. If you have proper production of saliva then you will never have digestion problems. Jeera can also provide you with better metabolism and can help you with gastric problems as well. Take some jeera and boil in water and then drink the solution after it is cooled. It will eliminate the concept of acidity from your stomach and will make you feel relaxed and relieved instantly.

13. Elaichi:


Elaichi is yet another gift from mother nature which has many benefits according to Ayurvedic medicinal theories. It can stimulate digestion and remove all traces of acidity within the stomach. This is one of the best and easy ways to treat acidity. It is totally natural. It is so pure that this remedy has been claimed as one of the best natural remedies for acidity. Elaichi soothes the stomach and keeps it clean as well.

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14. Pudina:


Here is yet another herb which will assist you with acidity issues. Pudina can prevent the spread of acidity in the stomach. According to Ayurvedic texts, pudina helps in digestion and has been used for ages. The benefits of this herb definitely should not be underestimated. Along with improving digestion, it can cool down the stomach and reduce the pain and burning sensation that we generally experience during acidity. Pudina or peppermint is also used in many popular recipes. The pudina chutney available in India is pretty popular and can remove acidity as well.

15. Amla:


Amla has tons of health benefits. It works great for removing acidity as well. Amla comes with good amounts of Vitamin C which is required by the body as well. It is good for soothing the injured stomach and removing any and all kinds of traces and effects of acidity from the stomach. One teaspoon of amla powder can prove to be one of the best home remedies for acidity. Next time, if you’re getting ambushed by acidity, trust amla and call for help.

16. Banana Remove Acidity Problem:


Banana has certain extraordinary benefits and is beneficial for treating acidity. Banana is actually one of the best acidity home remedies. This fruit comes with the valuable touch of nature and the beneficial properties of this fruit can assist you in fighting against cancer. Bananas are said to be rich in potassium and can keep a watch on the production of acid in the stomach. It also comes with some compounds which can stimulate the production of mucus in the stomach. Mucus protects the stomach from all kinds of internal harmful effects.

17. Aloe Vera Juice:

aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice can turn out to be one of the best most successful home remedies for acidity. It can reduce the irritation in the belly which has been caused due to the acidity. It is anti-inflammatory and can reduce inflammation within no time. A glass of aloe vera juice in the morning will make you feel more alive. This is one of the most effective natural remedies for acidity. Say goodbye to acidity with aloe vera juice.

18. Gum:

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Yes. Chewing gum can get rid of acidity and it has been proven. A dental association has published a journal which states with people with acidity and the gastric issue should chew gum. A gum which is good for the teeth will take care of the teeth alongside providing relive from acidity. Since gum stimulates the production of saliva which further helps it digestion and fewer acidity problems. Proper digestion will reduce the gastric and acidity issues.

19. Apple:


Along with improving your daily diet, you should also keep in mind that your body gets the required benefits of fruits. Apple comes with the goodness of nature and for its widespread uses, it is considered as one of the best fruits ever. An apple a day can keep the doctor away. You obviously have heard of it. Slice an apple and eat it without adding any flavorings. Eating an apple every morning might be one of the most health practices you can ever adapt. This is one of the best home remedies for acidity.

20. Avoid Tight Clothes:

Avoid Tight Clothes

When you’re dealing with acidity issues, try wearing loose and less fitted clothes. This will less pressure on the stomach and help with the acidity issues. It is one of the best ways to stay healthy during an acid attack in the stomach. People who wear tight fitted clothes more often should pay good attention to this particular point. This is one of the best natural remedies for acidity.

21. A Proper Weight:

A Proper Weight

For coming out of any illness, your weight plays a massive role. Believe it or not, maintaining proper weight (not too low not too heavy) will assist you in recovering quicker than you can even imagine. For getting well soon, a healthy weight is all you need.

22. Avoid Alcohol:

Avoid Alcohol

Avoid alcohol while you’re dealing with acidity. This is one of the best natural remedies for acidity.

23. Mustard Controls Acidity:


Say hello to mustard as it will be a savior during acidity. The ingredient mustard can cure your acidity problem effectively with out side effects. It is one of the best and cheapest home remedies for acidity.

24. Almonds:


It has been proved that almonds can effectively provide great relieve from acidity issues. This is one of the best home remedies for acidity.

These are some of the best home remedies for acidity which sports quite some beautiful benefits. These remedies have worked for people all around the globe and it is expected that they will work for you as well. One thing you will have to maintain that is continuity as you will not better in just one day.