9 Home Remedies for Food Poisoning | Styles At Life

You must have suffered from food poisoning at some or the other point of your life! Food poisoning is a common health crisis related to consumption of stale food that leads to issues with the digestive system causing food poisoning and bringing along a lot of other discomforting signs with it. The bacteria as well as the toxic materials in the food enter the body and causes headaches, nausea, vomiting and an overall sick feeling. In extreme cases, it also leads to diarrhea. One should get going and look for the best methods for treating food poisoning as soon as it occurs.

home remedies for food poisoning

To help you in a safe and effective manner, there is nothing better than using home remedies for the treatment of food poisoning. To help the users, the top notch home cures are given below. You just need to make a pick.

Food Poisoning Remedies:

1. Ginger:


To cure the inflammation and pain associated with food poisoning, the best is to take a teaspoon of ginger juice with honey till the problem subsides. This can be taken at regular intervals for the relief you desire. One can also have a cup of ginger tea for relief from cramps and pain.

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2. Lemon:


The antibacterial, anti viral and anti-inflammatory qualities of lemon makes it a perfect home product for the cure of food poisoning. The acid content in the liquid helps in accumulated bacteria that are causing the crisis. Warm water with a little lemon juice can be taken early in the morning or a little lemon juice with sugar can be consumed.

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3. Peppermint Tea:

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint oil is known for the soothing benefits that it has for the stomach and the digestive system. The same is valid for the peppermint leaves. You can either prepare a cup of fresh peppermint tea for treating food poisoning or else add a few drops of the oil in the tea you are having. This will surely give positive outcomes.

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4. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar

The alkaline quality of apple cider vinegar makes it an efficient home product for a lot of health crises including food poisoning. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water needs to be consumed before the meal. It will surely get you freedom from the discomforting problem.

5. Basil Leaves:


Basil leaves are known for curing infections including the one by food poisoning. Basil juice can be freshly extracted and taken with honey several times throughout the day or else basil oil can be put in the quantity of 4-5 drops in a liter of water and taken at regular intervals.

6. Bananas:


The high levels of potassium in bananas are what help in treating food poisoning in the right way. It reduces the signs of the problem. You can combine it with apple for more benefits and have each day until problem subsides.

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7. Have Water:

Drinking water woman3

Water helps in making up for the lost fluids of the body in food poisoning thus maintaining the hydration of the body. It also helps in flushing out the toxins and bacteria from the digestive system. It is one of the most convenient ways to treat food poisoning.

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8. Yogurt and Fenugreek:


Yogurt has anti bacterial properties that can treat the poisoning well. If taken with some fenugreek seeds, it will give far better outcomes. Do not chew on the seeds and gulp it with the yogurt for maximum benefits. It will relieve the pain and the vomiting.

9. Cumin Seeds:

caraway Cumin seeds

Cumin seeds aids in healing by reducing the inflammation in the stomach as well as working on the tenderness. A tablespoon of cumin seeds is all you need to add to dishes or soups for the benefits.

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