Best Pre Bridal Makeup Tips | Styles At Life

Wedding is that day in the life of a couple that is most special and needs to be the most memorable. For the bride to be, there are a lot of things to be considered. Among getting the ideal outfit and the chores of the wedding, she also needs to take care of the skin, hair and makeup for a perfect ‘D’ day. By adhering to pre bridal makeup and beauty tips, a bride can get the ideal look that she wants on her wedding.

pre bridal makeup

Best Pre Bridal Makeup Tips:

This list gives you the exact pre-bridal makeup tips that a woman should swear by. Check them out and follow each one for perfect outcomes.

Cleansing is Important:

Best Pre Bridal Makeup Tips | Styles At Life

For any makeup to be successful on the main day, it is important for the skin surface to be clean of dirt and grime. This will keep the base healthy and give you good makeup results. Cleansing the skin is therefore a strict routine that you should maintain. Use a good face wash at least twice a day to get the results. Along with this, it is important to exfoliate the skin every 4-5 days. This will remove the layer of dead skin cells and give you a clean and smooth surface to work on for wedding makeup.

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Moisturize the Skin:

Best Pre Bridal Makeup Tips | Styles At Life

The skin needs to be really healthy, soft and nourished if a bride wants good makeup results on the wedding day. For this, it is important to moisturize the skin daily without fail. This should be done after the process of cleansing the skin and twice a day. Try to use 100% natural products for nourishing the skin. You can even use homemade moisturizers for maximum benefits.

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Get Regular Facials:

Best Pre Bridal Makeup Tips | Styles At Life

A one month cycle is perfect for the bride to be where facials are concerned. This is valid for a minimum of 6 months from the date of wedding. Bi-weekly gold facials can be taken if there is less time in hand. This will help in adding the glow to the skin that is required for the bride on the main day.

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Use Homemade Treatments:

For any problems on the skin or to add cleanliness and glow to the skin, there are various homemade remedies and face packs that can be used on a daily basis till the wedding day. This will only add to the aim of making the skin flawless for makeup on the wedding. Fine lines, pigmented spots, acne and any other such problems can be removed by homemade treatments in a safe and effective manner.

Remove Extra Hair:

Best Pre Bridal Makeup Tips | Styles At Life

Starting from something as common as eyebrow shaping to removing facial hair and even body hair is important. Start doing it at least 6 months prior to the wedding day on a monthly basis. This will make the skin used to removal of hair. Hair removal from a new area usually leads to rashes on the skin that can be avoided by this tip. Use it bi-weekly if there is less time in hand. Hair removal gives a clean slate to work the makeup on the wedding day.

Have a Good Diet:

Best Pre Bridal Makeup Tips | Styles At Life

Having a good and healthy diet is one of the pre requisites for good skin and better makeup. Include a lot of fruits and vegetables in the diet along with fresh fruits juices and at least 10 glasses of water. This will add suppleness to the skin and hydrate it from the inside to bring a glow that you will love.

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Take Good Sleep:

Take Good Sleep for bride

Sleep is very important as a pre bridal make up tip. This will avoid the bride getting dark circles make the skin look tired. Take at least 8-9 hours of beauty sleep for a skin that is perfect for makeup on the day of marriage.