Black Pepper Benefits And Uses For Health, Hair And Skin | Styles At Life

Black pepper is a common spice which is used in the culinary world. It is popular and very much appreciated in countries such as India, USA, Australia and Asia. Black pepper contains magnesium, potassium, iron, Vitamin C and K. It has a very strong flavour and smell and has quite a number of health benefits. It will also take care of your skin up to a certain extent. If you would like to learn more about black pepper, then we would suggest you to read this amazing article which has been designed only for your benefit and understanding. We are hoping that at the end of this, you will be convinced enough to use black pepper daily.

black pepper

Black pepper has enormous use and it is a very beneficial spice which can cure all issues related to skin and scalp. It even has the qualities to fight against dangerous diseases like cancer, stroke and colon also. Moreover polyphenol content of this spice protect you from high blood pressure and diabetes even. This spice mixed with honey or turmeric can do wonders to cure ailments. Black pepper should be consumed only 1 tsp a day to get amazing results of your ailments. So, now without delaying anymore include this spice in your daily regime and make it a habit to consume.

Amazing Black Pepper Benefits And Advantages:

There are enormous black pepper benefits and a person who wants to stay healthy should consume it on daily basis. The use of black pepper would keep you away for all types of illness and increase your immunity. So now stay fit just by consuming small quantity of black pepper daily. The uses and benefits of black pepper for skin, hair and health are as follows.

Black Pepper Benefits For Skin:

1. Fights Wrinkles:

Women are usually concerned about lines of ageing and wrinkles which appear on their skin from early thirties. They are really a menace. In order to get rid of this problem, you must use black pepper. They have a high quantity of antioxidants which reduces the symptoms of ageing such as lines and spots. Instead of spending a lot of money on expensive creams, we suggest you use some black pepper. This will rejuvenate your skin and show drastic results on your skin.

2. Dead Skin Exfoliation:

You can use black pepper for purposes of exfoliation as well. They will remove all dead cells from your skin and make it refreshing and glowing. It will also promote blood circulation and provide more oxygen as well as nutrients to your skin. You will feel fresh and hydrated all the time because of this what this amazing and healthy natural spice can do to you. It has also been used in several exfoliation beauty products as well because of this. So if you want clear, soft and supple skin, we suggest you to get hold of black pepper.

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Black Pepper Health Benefits:

3. Promotes Weight Loss:

A great way to lose some weight loss is by incorporating some black pepper to your diet. You can add them to your dishes or look up some homemade remedies on the internet. You will surely get great results. The best way to use black pepper is by adding it a glass full of lukewarm water and drinking it down early in the morning. You can also add some honey to it in order to suppress the strong flavour. Make sure you are not adding too much pepper. Half a tablespoon is more than enough.

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4. Dental Health:

The another important benefit that you can derive out of black pepper is dental health. You will surely have better and healthier teeth because of this. This ingredient has also been used in several tooth pastes and other products. You will have stronger teeth and never feel you find the problem of smelling or stinking teeth. If you have tooth decay and would like a quick relief from tooth aches, we would definitely suggest you to make use of pepper daily. You will surely get great results with time.

5. Anti-Depressant:

According to several researches, pepper acts as a very good anti depressant. They promote better sleep at night and keep your mind calm and sedate. If you are one of those who are anxious and stressed often, you can definitely make use of black pepper. It stimulates the nervous system and improves your cognitive capacity. You will be able to go about your daily activities without feeling stressed. This is one of the top reasons why doctors have advised us to use black pepper while cooking. You are going to derive a lot of benefit out of this.

6. Makes Yummy Recipes:

You can also make yummy and tasty recipes with the help of black pepper. This goes very well with almost every dish, except desserts of course. They are great for salads and fruit chaats and can be also used for kebabs and steaks. Most Indian dishes require pepper in them. Since they make your dishes tasty and flavour some, you should use black pepper. They are something you must keep in your kitchen.

7. Cough And Cold:

A great way to fight cough and cold is by using black pepper. This is a great remedy for those who suffer with different sicknesses. They are good for treating respiratory disorders and also ease congestion. According to researchers, they can also prevent cancers, especially skin cancer. So next time you have a common cold, you could use some black pepper before it gets worse.

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Black pepper

8. Good For Stomach Related Issues:

Black pepper increases the hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach, which helps in proper digestion. Daily consumption of black pepper helps to prevent the formation of intestinal gas and even promotes urination and sweating, which facilitate to remove toxins from the human body naturally. Black pepper helps in expelling gas from body as it is carminative, and it forces the gas out of the body in healthy way. It is downward motion rather than upward which is a dangerous way as it could strain the upper chest and vital organs. It consumption even stops further formation of gas in the body.

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9. Consist Of Antibacterial Quality:

By use of black pepper the human body can develop resistance to fight against infections and insects bites. If you add black pepper in your diet it helps to keep your arteries clean by scrapping away excess cholesterol from the walls, thereby reducing the chances of heart attacks and strokes and providing a healthy life. Now you can stay healthy by just including black pepper in your diet plan.

19. Prevents Growth Of Cancer Cell:

The piperine in black pepper is responsible which prevents cancer cells growing and becomes over powerful if consumed with turmeric. The black beauty spice contains vitamins like Vitamin A &C, flavonoids, carotenes and anti-oxidants which helps in removal of all free radicals from the body and prevent it from cancer and other diseases. The good way of eating black pepper and to avail the maximum benefit is to consume it freshly, and not cooked with food.

11. Helps In Activation Of Brain Cells:

The condiment present in black pepper acts as a natural brain tonic and activates the brain cells. You can prepare the remedy at home by taking some Brahmi leaves and shallow fry in ghee or butter. Add some black pepper and sugar to it. By intake of this mixture it activates the brain and it even acts as a boon for better vision also.

12. Cures Arthritis:

The presence of piperine in black pepper is highly beneficial for treating arthritis problems because it has anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritis properties. Moreover this amazing spice helps in proper circulation of blood which indeed reduces the joint pain which occurs due to improper blood circulation.

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13. Metabolism:

Now we come to the final benefit of black pepper. This is called metabolism. Yes, if you use black pepper, your metabolism will be boosted and you will be able to digest food faster. Not only that, you will be able to burn calories and lose body fat. In fact it just not increases metabolism but even curbs the cravings or urge of more food. It helps in restricting our cravings. The black pepper contains capsaicin, a compound that activates the body’s pain receptors, which increases the blood circulation and metabolism rate.

Black Pepper Benefits For Hair:

14. Treats Dandruff:

Black pepper is not just for your health and skin, but also your hair. If you have a dry, itchy and flaky scalp, we would suggest you to use some black pepper. They are a great ingredient you could use to combat this dandruff problem.

  • Take some black pepper and add it to a bowl full of sour curd.
  • Mix it well and apply all over your hair.
  • Keep it in that way for the next twenty minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with cold water. You don’t have to use shampoo at all for this.
  • Don’t use too much black pepper or your scalp will burn.

15. Revitalization Of Hair:

You may also revitalize your hair with the help of black pepper. Take some black pepper along with lemon seeds. Apply this all over your scalp. This will surely revitalize your hair and keep it soft, shiny and beautiful. You need to keep this mixture over your hair for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. You will be surprised what this amazing homemade remedy can do to your hair and scalp.

16. Helps Hair Growth On Bald Scalp:

Black pepper stimulates your hair follicles and causes growth of hair. Take one-fourth cup of ground peppercorns, half cup of olive oil and a glass jar with cover. Blend all the two ingredients to a smooth mixture and pour in the glass jar and seal the jar tightly for at least two weeks. After that drain the oil with the help of strainer and apply the oil to the roots of your hair. Cover it with a plastic cap and a warm towel for around 30 minutes and after that wash the mix out of your hair completely. Repeated use of this would enable hair growth on your scalp and bald area of your scalp would be filled with hairs.

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