How to Get Rid of Rashes under Breasts | Styles At Life

Skin rashes are quite a common scenario among people that can occur in any part of the body. For women, rashes under the breasts is prevalent and a frequent problem to deal with especially in the summers. Excessive sweating is one of the major reasons that is causing the problem of skin rashes including the one under the breasts. Any bad fitting types of bra that rubs against this sweat leads to the crisis more easily. The idea is to start looking for suggestions and tips that can actually help you in getting rid from the problem.

How to Get Rid of Rashes under Breasts

The list below has some of the top notch ideas that are safe and easy to follow where treatment of under breast rashes are concerned. Follow them with due diligence for maximum outcomes.

1. Use Cold Compress:

Using an ice bag or a cold compress is one of the good ways to soothe the skin under the breasts and thus treat the problems of rashes. This should be done for 10 minutes in one session and can be done several times in a day. It reduces itching and swelling and also prevents infections. Cold skimmed milk can be used instead of water for cold compress as well. It also closes the pores that reduce the sweat and thus the rash.

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2. Baby Powder:

Using baby powder after a shower helps in prevention of sweat and keeps the under breast area dry. This helps in getting rid of the rashes in a simple and easy manner. It absorbs the existing moisture as well for the benefit.

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3. Basil Leaves:

This is one natural product that is known for its soothing properties. Make a smooth paste of basil leaves and apply it well under the breasts and the rashes. This should be left for a while before rinsing. Use lukewarm water to wash. This is a good remedy to get rid of rashes.

4. Corn Starch Remedy:

The itching and burning of the rashes can be easily reduced with the use of corn starch that will also bring about a gradual treatment of the rashes. Lightly dust some good quality cornstarch on the area after a shower and after patting dry the area well. This should be left for 10 minutes before cleaning off the powder. This should be done twice in a day.

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5. Use Cotton:

Place cotton between the breasts and the lower area to help absorb all the sweat and moisture from the region and keep it dry. Not only will this habit ensure treatment of the rashes but also prevent the problem in the later stages. Soft paper napkins can also be used for the purpose.

6. Calamine Lotion Advantage:

Clean the breast area well with an antibacterial soap and water and then pat it dry. Now use some calamine lotion on the rashes with a cotton ball. This should be left for a while to get rid of the itching and prickly feel that rashes bring along. It will also ensure a natural treatment of the problem.

7. Garlic Use:

Garlic 1

The anti fungal and anti bacterial properties of garlic gives it a lot of benefits for various skin infections including the problems of rashes. Prepare a fresh paste from garlic cloves and apply it well on the affected region. This should be done 3-4 times in a day for the right cure from under breast rash.

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8. Lemon Juice:

The lemon juice extracts with water can be applied on the rashes for overall healing and to prevent the infection from increasing. It should be done every day.

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9. Tea Tree Oil:

Well again, tea tree oil has anti fungal properties that can help in curing the rashes. All you need is some drops of this liquid on cotton that should be applied after a shower. This should also be done while going to bed. Try and massage it a little so that the oil gets absorbed and a quick treatment is seen.

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