50 Inspirational Wrist Tattoos

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e4e450cd45b5ba67db7761b2168b286126. Believe in yourself

Don’t just ‘believe’; believe in YOURSELF!

e56f7c10a0f3e8bd07f5df7f993f2fba27. Love what you do

Because you should always love what you do, whether it’s your job, your hobby, or the way you live. And if you don’t love it, CHANGE IT!

eaec262d9847e91f70afbfec2447b0fb28. I am

Because you are. You are everything. You are beautiful, you are enough, you are wonderful, you are everything positive in the world, so never forget it.

7d444650129e7d760aa31b9666e89fac29. Love

We should always remember the importance of love, and remember to love everyone around us.

263cb70bbdb0f5e9d56b986856f8e70430. Infinity Semicolon

 We love the semicolon because it is a symbol of hope and faith, and with the addition of the ever-popular infinity sign, this lovely wrist tattoo is an incredibly inspirational tat that holds quite a large message in its small stature.

3644f5a8dbf2c52e429f1aa35b49187a31. I refuse to sink.

A super trendy take on the infinity symbol, featuring the incredibly popular anchor and rose design and the inspirational words ‘I refuse to sink’ labeled right inside.

5654de89c2b2385a623e922edf54c2f332. Be the change.

Can’t get over how much we adore this tattoo. It’s an amazing message that EVERYONE needs to remind themselves of every once and awhile. Be the change, otherwise all the negativity will remain the same.

7631d6df2c3871cc37e341996f5a767133. Angel wings

Angel wings can have a variety of messages depending on the person, but our personal take on this inspirational tat is a reminder that a loved one who has passed is always with you, and you should always hold them dear to your heart and make them happy with your life choices.

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dce1b05da47a57c5046089f6595f18af34. Line of dots.

A tattoo that can hold endless messages; what does your line of dots mean?

f4b03b05a17df0a84308a251037701b035. EHFAR

Everything happens for a reason; ain’t that the truth!

f94905ccc7e29bea21a079cc517bb09e36. Cancer Awareness 

A beautiful reminder to never lose hope and never give up, no matter how bad the diagnosis may be. (Also a great way to show respect for a loved one who has passed from cancer).

fc781a2ca9703e47af3fa3921386a0a237. Dandelion

A whimsical tattoo that will certainly remind you of days of a child, when you spent countless days dreaming and frolicking through the fields. A beautiful tat that will inspire you to let loose and follow your dreams, just like you did as a little girl.

8f161d300c38e2e69245405102a333ce38. Courage

Every once in awhile we get scared or nervous, whether it’s about school, work, health, or some other aspect of life. But in these times of struggles we need to always remember to have strength and courage to conquer our battles!

016aa55862da6ce1d1f55ab5c015151739. Very Religious

Everything about this religious tattoo is perfect, from the gorgeous doves flying above to the infinity symbol with intertwined ‘faith’. Don’t forget to add your favorite Bible verse to the bottom right of this stunning tat!

348e4818e882c629d8bdb3c56d94837c40. This too shall pass.

A very classic line that’s always helpful during bad times.

b7168526b20f7035fbaaf3daf9cc533641. Roman Numeral Date

What does your date mean to you?

ca68899e97424b9b751b9ab890326bb842. Heart and Cross

Another awesome religion based tattoo that has tons of detail. Love it!

bcc75dcfe6ab6b34c750f66a358c161443. Infragilis

A latin word meaning unbreakable or strong. Why not use your favorite inspirational word in a different language to be a bit different from the rest?

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d6ae70c135fbdd4e97d30b16a9f73bf844. Anchor Hope

We should never lose hope, and we love this particular design with the word placed right, dead center in a trendy and subtle anchor.

1a3e04fd4a8dc49f5aaf8da6a0c7c78645. Fearless

What better way to remind yourself that YOU are fearless, and YOU can conquer ANYTHING!

4fe09a7b28fdcf67ff1192138f53391346. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

So true!

451f8f4c99390d0047aecc66855573d947. Your favorite inspirational song lyrics.

aca17ea2c82e3a8a06540ace7decb9de48. With pain comes strength.

An awesome reminder that pain brings out strength, so don’t be afraid to struggle and strive through the worst situations- you WILL come out stronger!

e4c3091228bad36b6a43b08eee4b501849. Any word that is inspirational to you.

629b6be1aaa016df43c733213acc65cd50. Any saying or quote that is inspirational to you.

Do you have an inspirational wrist tattoo? What does yours say?

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