Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

The biography of posterity

Mihai Criste is a creative Romanian artist who is fascinated by abstraction, mystery and surrealism. Inspired by famous surrealists like Dali and Magritte, Criste soon found that he would need to move beyond their influences in order to truly find his own unique style of painting.

“My work is influenced by my studies of graphic art in the Art academy. My senses and seminification work together with my technical knowledge, which allows me to transcend my training into surrealistic creations.”

Some of his surrealist paintings have religious influences through the use of symbols such as apple, tree, snake, blood, candle, etc. When dealing with his favorite subjects – nature, time, existence, art; The artist will usually juxtaposes the metaphysical and the transcendental as a contact point to convey what he see’s as the sacred and the profane.

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Time wreck

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Time is soul

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

The lost secret

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

The last paradox

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

The diary of the tides

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Under the sign of family

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Touching the impossible

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Temporal rest

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Soul mate

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Rien ne se perd… tout se transforme

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Pudicity of autumn

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Perpetuance of vice

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Naufragiul timpului

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Jurnal de bord

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Incarnated logos

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Dogmatic egg

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

All the world is a stage

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

Alchemy of knowledge

Surreal Paintings by Mihai Criste

International advertising art

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